Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30, 2001 Meeting

Bennett Rheingold, Attorney at Law helped us to understand why a Family Trust is so important and what types are required under various circumstances. Victor Cime talked about the different types of paint and when and where they are most appropriate.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23, 2011 Meeting

Dr. Lacie Hendricks, Mobile Chiropractor extrodinaire helped us to understand some of the illnesses that chiropractic can help. Leonard Mix, General Contractor educated us why having a GC on the job rather than assuming tat responsibility as a homeowner can actually save us money in the long run.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August 10, 2011 Meeting

Janet Berryhill shared some incredible jewelry that she had handmade from old family relics. Regina Fernandez demonstrated the art and science of soothing, relaxing massage. Mmmm doesn't that feel nice!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3, 2011 Meeting

Colleen Johnson gave us a rundown of how the South Bay real estate market compare with the rest of the state and country. Hey we're not doing bad! Erika Barrantes educated us about some of the incredible healing properties to acupuncture.